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Monday, 4 August 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy (James Gunn 2014)

Opening last weekend with an eye watering box office high (for august and 3rd highest for the year so far) Guardians of the Galaxy is Marvel's latest hit. Mixing the superhero genre up again, this time with space opera, achieving a Firefly/ Star Wars kind of feel Guardians is great fun, it feels like the high concept fun classics of the 70's, 80's and 90's like Star Wars and Indiana Jones, big budgets, big laughs and a great cinema experience.

The performances are all great, the CG tree (Groot), and raccoon (Rocket) are both completely convincing and maybe the best characters in the film. A special mention needs to be given for Peter Serafinowicz and John C Rielly (and the writing of course) for turning their bit parts into sincere characters. Written and Directed by James Gunn, known for cult spoof body horror Slither, the quirky humor is perfect, you suspend all disbelief and laugh along with the film, it might not be as dark or serious as say Captain America The Winter Soldier, but it might be the most fun I have had in the cinema in years, I want to go back!

Like many Marvel fans, when Guardians was announced I wondered exactly who they were and why Marvel would bother making a film about them. Many people think the same about the upcoming Ant Man film and if Guardians is anything to go by we should just let Mr Feige (exec producer) do whatever he likes because the Marvel Studio's movie machine continues to pump out high concept, fun engaging blockbusters, and I dare say this one almost tops the lot.

Needless to say it is quite simply a pleasure to watch, if you haven't seen it you are missing out! Go... Now... Go on...


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