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Friday, 12 December 2014

The Hobbit, The Battle of Five Armies. (Peter Jackson 2014)

The defining chapter indeed. After 13 years and 6 films we finally say goodbye to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien through the eyes of director Peter Jackson. I am going to assume I am as surrounded on the internet by fanboys as I was at the midnight screening last night. For those of you yet to see it, wow, your in for a treat. The final chapter of The Hobbit is packed full of action, fun and heartfelt tragedy.

As always Jackson is fair with the source material and keeps the story moving with a quick pace, the sheer amount of combat in the film is insane, and its all intelligently and beautifully choreographed. A specific little note on that front, the elves slice their victims neatly as appose to the brutish dwarves who decapitate orc after orc with a different kind of grace, just one subtle touch that gives Jackson's version of Tolkien's world the same richness as the source material itself. Don't be misleads though, despite the combat the story is strong as ever and the dialogue is perfect.

I can't say much more than it felt like a great and respectful, if not a little sad, end to the tale of the ring of power. I walked away thinking that we know that from the end of this film Bilbo gets no more adventure, he just sits and withers, in mind if not in image. Anyhow lets not dwell on that, more good things! The cgi is expectedly fantastic and somehow doesn't worsen the CG in the LOTR trilogy when you look back, which is nice. If I had any nitpicks to... pick, it would be that it ends pretty suddenly, we don't really get a glimpse of everyone settling back down. I assume that is because we see through Bilbo's eyes and because of the criticisms of Return of the king's 45 minute end after end after end. (Not to mention you know, the lord of the rings comes next)

As a saga its brilliant, I almost cracked on the Fellowship when I got home to ride that feeling out. The marathon must be done but god help me when that day comes, no not god, but a hobbit, they seem like happy chaps.

Just a side note on high frame rate, its weird, I cant make my mind up. Everything looks more real, is that right for a fantasy film or does it need that movie gloss? I can't decide, it takes a while to get used to which is of course a set back but I think if it is continued to be used in the right way it could work really well. Maybe for documentary or more realistic films, the Hobbit seems like a strange choice to crack it out on. Colour me intrigued.

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