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Saturday, 4 August 2012

One Hour Photo (2002 Mark Romanek)

And if these pictures have anything important to say to future generations, it's this: I was here. I existed. I was young, I was happy, and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture.
Robin Williams is a great actor, he is an actor that loves to act, this means his work ranges from poor to perfect. Where does One Hour Photo lay? In my opinion its pretty brilliant and for sure is one of Williams' best performances. Creepy is the best way to describe this film, throughout the first act you feel like something is wrong, this is created by a clever mix of cinematography and some great acting, but no matter what you can't quite pin down why this guy Seymour (Williams) is so damn creepy!

As the film unravels so does Seymour, his mental health destabalises as his routine life is crushed, you watch and wait for the fireworks as he unravels more and more. The post modern kind of look at photography and film is interesting as usual and some of the things the unhinged Seymour says stick in your mind the next time you click a lens.

Visually the film is quite interesting, although the majority is conventional, the mix of fantasy with reality is something that is played around with, the narrative becomes unreliable and that SPOILER! becomes the point, kind of, the "pretend of an act" and the capturing of it rather than the act. Or he did it and hes playing the audience SPOILER END The red stylised scene in the middle is interesting and pretty brave thankfully it is a decent way of getting the audience inside of Seymour's head for a few seconds and it is done extremely well. The photo wall is cliché of course but is still a brilliant visual.

I really like this film despite how uneasy Seymour makes me feel. This is one of Williams' best performances by far, he is playing something out of his usual range and he does it amazingly, Seymour's character and his creepiness is a large part of what the film relies on and Williams couldnt have done it any better. Watch this its weird and creepy and amazing!

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