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Thursday, 29 November 2012

CBT X Men Legacy 2, All New X Men 2, Uncanny Avengers 2

X Men Legacy 2
X Men Legacy, the title dedicated to David Haller, Legion, the son of the late Charles Xavier hits the mark yet again! Issue 2 is a good continuation from the first, in both tone and quality, despite part of the issue being what I didn't want from the comic, ie. him going psycho, it didn't last long, the majority of the comic is a meeting with an unusual new mutant that can see the butterfly effect. Although I don't really like this ability and the rip off of Layla Millers abilities (see X factor) the character himself seems interesting, the way he talks to David and coaxes his abilities out of him makes it seem like this wont be the last time we see him. Something that would be cool is if that was one of his internal demons manipulating him in the real world, specifically the one lurking in the shadows. Anyway Legacy managed to stay interesting and add new characters and open storylines with a fantastic second issue in a week full off issue 2's this one stood out as fresh.

All New X Men 2
All new X Men was not as good this week... not as good as I expected, not as good as Legacy and not as good as issue 1. I guess after an insane first issue this one had to be a lot of story telling, all of the "past xmen" needed to be filled in which took up most of the comic. Once Beast went back to the past to get them there was no question they would come, the only real development in the comic is beast going into critical condition and the past x men going to recruit a new mutant. The art was still real nice and the comic was well written although "boy scout scott" is a little annoying seeing the two icemen was pretty funny. It may have been necessary for those less in the know about x men but it seems like the whole issue could have been summed up by one of the past x men saying in the present "Beast filled me in" then beast collapsing and the past x men deciding to go off on their own.... there you go, issue 2 in a sentence. It wasn't awful but there was no action, it was all exposition of things we already know. A filler issue to explain the first issue a little and prepare the audience for what looks like an explosive 3rd issue, for a preview follow this link to Bendis' Tumblr... also I am being a little harsh, it was good but as the comic I was most looking forward to it was a little disappointing.

Uncanny Avengers 2
Uncanny Avengers #2 is another comic that didn't live up to the president set by the first issue, the whole issue was pretty much clean up of what was a really quick battle in issue 1. The dialogue between Cap, Wolvie and Thor however was well written and their discussion seemed realistic it was just ended a little simply with an admittedly heart warming but unequivocally cheesy hug for Havok. It would have been more interesting for Havok's leadership to be questioned a little longer. Also I'm sure the heroes get that kind of response all the time, comics would just be crap if all they were was civilians hugging superheroes. As for the Scarlet Witch and Rogue story it was... ok. It took me a while to realise that Scarlet Witch was being so easily manipulated because Red Skull has Xavier's mind, at first I just thought she was a stupid cow... Anyway the new villains following Red Skull around seem interesting although their backstory was placed a little clunkily into the comic. Red Skull's return was pretty easily and nicely explained and I am looking forward to our female heroes to regroup with the Uncanny Averngers and escape Red Skull so the team can actually get on its feet and out of the "assemble" stage. The art in this issue was better than in the last, not sure why I just have less to pick at in a generally wicked issue, maybe its because Havok didn't have his stupid mask on.... Another great thing about this issue's art was that we got to see more of Cassaday's Red Skull who is creepy as fuck, I think its the giant teeth that do it! Overall more set up was laid down and it looks like things are gonna really kick off next week!

More next week!

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