This year I attended the Leeds Comic Con Thought Bubble, its the second time I have been and I was extremely excited and less drunk than last time. I got up nice and early to experience the con in all its glory, and glorious it was! A began with getting my #1 of wolverine and the X Men signed by Jason Aaron, and spent the next few hours wondering round waiting for cues to go down whilst I got various things signed. I would like to thank every comic artist and writer I met for being kind and cool and making the con a wicked experience. A highlight as always was Jamie Mckelvie and Kieron Gillen who wrote some wicked things on my comics and had a quick fun chat. I got to tell a lot of talented people that I enjoyed there work and I'm sure when I review their work in the future I will mention all of my con stories so keep your eyes out for that!
That was pretty much all of the first day, I decided not to go to any of the talks this year in order to soak up the experience and get lots of signings but I have heard they were good. Unfortunately we didn't have tickets or the money for the after party but thats an experience I'm happy to leave until next year.
On the second day I got a few commissions incuding Jamie Madrox by Guillermo Ortega, the sad thing about that being that I;m a massive fan and wish I had taken some things to get signed but didn't know he was there :( however his commission was awesome!
I also got this wicked image by James Eskdale, a really nice indie artist, I bought his and Glen Makin's Sons of Keel, I will be reviewing it soon.
One of my favourite con stories of the year was trying to get my brother Jimmy's Walking Dead signed by the most popular man at the con Charlie Adlard. Because of talks and cues messing him around he failed to get one during the first day. I fortunately was there right at the end of the day when he had practically no cue so I happily got my X Files signed. On the second day I made it my mission to go with him and get that thing signed.... due to alcohol however we got there at 12 so he was fully cued up till his talk at 3. So at 3.30, half an hour before his talk ended we waited at the front of a cue infront of an empty table and waited for out "no sketches" signing. (The reason he had been taking so long was all the sketches he had been doing.) Someone from the cue before the break got a few thumbnails drawn on the front of his comic before us so Jimmy asked real nice and Charlie responded with a quick sketch of the governor, just what he wanted. It was awesome to see him genuinely being a nice guy and a wicked artist much like everyone at the con. To me thats the best thing about con's getting to meet what nerds consider celebrities and actually having a conversation and seeing them as people not just creators of characters.
I will be reviewing some of the indie stuff from the con soon so keep your eyes open for that!
For a more detailed account of the con check out
This is Ari my housemate who come to the con with me!
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