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Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Chronicle (2012 Josh Trank)

"Yes, it was the black guy this time." 
I saw Chronicle at the cinemas a little while ago, I was attracted to it as it was a superhero film, however it does not origonate from a comic book so I was excited to see a story I knew nothing about. I was not disappointed, despite the writer laying the torment onto the main character a little thick, it was a good film focusing on the immoral things poeple could be pushed to. It cheated its way out of being a handicam film by giving the characters control over the camera with telekinesis but the post modern aspect of film making is always nice to see despite the fact it was accompanied with the line "the camera distances you from everyone else" to destroy all subtext. The character development was nice and visually some of the shots achieved and the concepts such as the spider and the crushing of the car was really nice. It was also good to see the only costume being donned a gasmask fireman suit rather than leather and latex which helped to give the film some authenticity. Finally one of my favourite things is what they didnt do, they didnt waste time coming up with a complex origin or trying to explain what gave them powers. If they had, it would not have worked! No question about it, it would have made it silly and would have wasted screen time so I am extremely happy they didnt rely on a meteorite or government testing or anything equally cliche. (PS comics can get away with it because of their medium and because many of them are the archetypes the cliches have been made from.)

So I would recommend!! 9/10

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