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Monday, 2 July 2012

The Serpent and the Rainbow (Wes Craven 1988)

"Whatever happens, death is not the end"

A slightly unusual watch I know but there is a reason I watched it. I am a big xombi movie fan and for my A2 film studies course I analysed the xombi films of George A Romero and talked about how they comment on politics and social issues. Whilst researching the xombi myth the story of Haitian vudou priests creating xombies was the original creature. Whilst the popular Zombie was created by George Romero, he never actually imagined them as zombies or xombies, his creatures were more inspired by Richard Matheson's vampires in I Am Legend.

Anyway whilst researching I read of Wes Cravens attempt at a true xombie film and allways wanted to give it a watch. I think it is bluntly political whilst displaying the right amount of magic mixed with medicine within a basic thriller/ horror plot. It does achieve what it set out to and is a xombie film based on the original Hatian myth and for that reason it is an interesting watch, unfortunately that is the only interesting thing about it. So not a favourite by far and I think unless your a true xombie fanatic its probably best to give this one a miss as it suffers from poor acting, a fairly boring plot and an expected resolution.

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