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Thursday, 12 July 2012

Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Robocop, Marvel Phase One Boxset

Day one of SDCC and I have quite a bit of typing to do...

Daredevil loses David Slade.
First is some bad news, Fox has failed to schedule well enough to keep David Slade as the director for Daredevil. However the script is apparently ready so Fox will be looking to put someone in his place quickly, before the rights return to Marvel.

Fantastic Four gains Josh Trank
Whilst the DD news is bad it is coupled with Fox gaining Josh Trank as the director for FF. Trank's Chronicle was brilliant so it is good to see him with a franchise that needs a fresh perspective.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One DVD Boxset
Thats right Marvel are releasing a holy of holies box set full of "The Avengers" "Iron Man" "Iron Man 2" "The Incredible Hulk" "Captain America" and "Thor". For this alone I need to start getting blu rays although the jump in format is infuriating. It would be nice if you could trade in DVD's to get stupidly cheap blurays but oh well that rant is for another post.... Lots of bonus material and prop type things will be included as well as special features. Wow only $140.... wish I had money and that blu ray player.... preorder it now on amazon to get it in September

Real quick update on the new Robocop, according to Joel Kinnaman who will be playing Robocop Jose Pidalha's itteration of Robocop will be "realistic. It would be grounded. If you look at his movies, they're serious and gritty, so it will have that quality, but it won't be deadly serious. It will have a satirical quality, and it will have throwbacks to the original. It's going to have that wink in the eye, but we're not looking to replicate the Verhoeven tone."
Good if you ask me, love a little bit of SF satire :)

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