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Sunday, 14 October 2012

A Fantastic Fear of Everything (2012 Crispian Mills, Chris Hopewell)

"What is your earliest memory?" "The orphanage on fire"
A star vehicle for Simon Pegg if I ever saw one, I didn't expect it to be much but was pleasantly surprised! A crazy story of a paranoid writer who just wants to wash his clothes for his meeting, that would be easy if he wasn't afraid of the laundrette.

This really is a mental and quite stylised film that focuses %100 on the character Pegg portrays, who is neurotic as usual but for a change suffers from extreme paranoia. The use of voice over throughout is unfortunately needed but it would have been nice for there to be less of it, but it doesnt ruin the film, it merely offers an insight to the insanity. The visuals are pretty good throughout and make the viewer feel as claustrophobic as Pegg and often use slasher conventions for well deserved laughs. The whole style of the film is almost Gilliamesque (Terry Gilliam 12 Monkeys, Brazil)  in their insanity and comedy and it works really well to create the character at the heart of the film.

This dark comedy is funny and amusing and despite its appearance is definitely worth a watch!

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