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Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Starship Troopers

"Would you like to know more?"
I hadnt seen this classic sci fi until recently when I decided it was time to give it a go. Wow! I expected a dodgy looking cheesy half arsed scifi and I got a comical/ satirical, intelligent, epic, war scifi with some balls!
I think my favourite thing about the film is its guts to show people being mauled by savage beasts and even savager drill instructors, then fixed by unexplained scifi medicine. I also liked the political commentary on "fleet doing the flying and MI's do the dying" along with the scientific side being aided by telepathy. Overall there is so much scifi goodness in there and like all good scifi it doesnt waste time with too much exposition, it just gives us comical media snippets, the whole film is excellent and a scifi masterpiece!

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