Uncanny X Men #2
Uncanny X Men 2 hit the shelves this week, only a few weeks after the first issue, and it offered a similar pace, plot and poor level of art. Unfortunately I am not a fan of Chris Bachalo's work so for me this titles art is disappointing and painfully similar to his previous xmen work, everyone must wear goggles and be out of proportion. However I understand that a lot of people like him so im going to have to look past that and to the rest of the comic. It began promisingly with an emotional heart to heart between Emma and Scott, defining their current relationship, it was a really nice quiet moment amidst the insanity that is Marvel Now. However that was basically it for the issue, apart from getting a look at the new school and a friendly cliffhanger the whole issue was pretty irrelevant. A nice character moment was had and I think needed however the comic could have been balanced a little better, the first issues narrative could have continued into this issue ensuring at least a little action. Anyway its nice... not amazing or particularly exciting but a decent character piece.7.5/10
Uncanny X Force #2
Uncanny X forces unusual team continue to battle against Spiral and search for the new mutant effecting the population of some club somewhere.I have absolutely no idea what is going on with Bishop or with Phantomex but I love the current team dynamic. Puck is a brilliant character, I'm not sure where his sudden character has come from, he was a nothing in the Nasty Boys but I'm glad he is in Uncanny X foce changing things up a little. The art is fantastic, I never thought I would like Punk Storm but Garney knows what he is doing! The pencils and panels are fantastic, it flows smoothly and has a brilliant fluidity and modernity to it. As for the story itself it seems to be pretty basic so for, obviously some arcs are beginning with Bishop and Phantomex but for now the simple mission is kind of nice, after the Utopia phase of X force comics for them to be a little more relaxed is refreshing and gives a good contrast before it inevitably dips back into blood soaked darkness that is X force. I didn't plan on Uncanny x force being one of my regular titles but Humphries and Garney are changing my mind issue by issue, I may be hooked!
Young Avengers #2
Issue two of Young Avengers concentrated on Loki, Hulkling and Wiccan and the thing they have unleashed. It was pretty crazy as expected and as usual delivered in witty and touching dialogue with sweet art. I do have one issue with McKelvie's art though, I dont like the way he draws adults, they always seem to have baby faces, that aside the art is awesome and the way in this issue specifically the panels were played with was brilliant. I am looking forward to the team being a team, at the moment it seems like some crazy set up but I like it, its fun, light and heartfelt.
Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1
Like the majority of the world I have no idea who the Guardians of the Galaxy are but I can tell you one thing for sure, after the quality of issue 0.1 I'm going to be buying a lot of comics to find out! 0.1 is rightfully an origin tale, giving a little context to the faithful leader of the team and what an awesome tale it is, pretty simple but emotional and interesting, no need to re invent the wheel it obviously works. McNiven's art is pretty classic but done to a rediculous quality, its meden comic art at its best. I am looking forward to the galactic and the team, it should be good, why isnt bendis this good on X Men??!?!
Uncanny Avengers #4
Clean up to issue four.... Uncanny Avengers #4 suddenly ties up all issues that were being faced with long unnecessary narration and history lessons. Uncanny feels like more of an effort to read than a pleasure, it suffers from what 80's comics did wrong, they spend a lot of time describing and restricting action rather than letting the art speak for itself. Now... the art, I love Cassadays stuff in Astonishing but for me Uncanny has been a little poor, it suffers from little shading and too much block colouring, maybe its a colouring error but I also disagree with a lot of costume costume choices and images in general. The one succesfull thing this comic had was a last page, the idea of Red Skull Onslaught and the look of the future (and tie in to Cable and the XForce) make me want to keep in touch with the title. Unfortunately the next arc is Apocalypse, Hickman! you did apocalypse like a year ago, leave it alone! So yeah nice and simple wrapped up without any real trouble, after four issues the team is together so maybe we will start getting some good content, fingers crossed eh.