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Thursday, 7 February 2013

CBT! All New X Men 7, New Avengers 3, Iron Man 6

All New X Men 7
Not a bad issue but just more of the same, the whole comic was just one scene, and it was reiterations of things we already know. Clearly this title is content to stay where it is despite the "revolution" X men comics are currently promising. Not only that but Mystique was an idiot in this issue, I hope to god she was just being manipulative cus all the stuff about respect for xavier and Scott is just rubbish. We also got no further on the identities of Mystiques team mates or how she came back after Messiah Complex. The art was ok but there was little opportunity for there to be any amazing art, however Mystique did change forms a silly number of times. The one thing I liked about the issue was the safety deposit box.... thats it.

New Avengers 3
Wow! This blew me the hell away, whilst there wasn't a lot of action, and a lot of text, IT WAS Stunning! Really the way the whole thing is playing out is just epic, a perfectly crafted story, well paced, ominous, dark and well considered New Avengers #3 is my pick of the week, AWESOME!

Iron Man 6
The start to the God Killer arc has been long awaited, and was ever so slightly anti climactic. I think this probably has to do with both my extensive reading of Gillen interviews and the title, only he is surprised that the Phoenix is the god he has "killed". (A concept I have a little trouble with because he didnt kill it really.) Other than that this issue has the same charm and charming character. I love the way this comic works although it would have been nice to have a comic between 5 and 6, I feel as though I missed something. One thing is for sure though, Tony is in deep deep trouble now, lets see what happens!

I know I havent reviewed much this week, I didnt read Avengers 5 or Superior Spiderman, let me know if im missing out. I read X factor but I can only say what I usually say about it and 3 comics is a good number :P I will post about XF when something serious happens, or its a slow week or its... different, till then assume 8/10

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