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Saturday, 20 October 2012

Change of Topic (Creative project realisation)

I had decided to be studying time travel films  but had not quite decided the angle or any specific films I wanted to look at. In the last two weeks I have been trying really hard to get enthusiastic about the research I have been dong but honestly none of it has excited me.

I have therefore decided to change my research project to something that I am currently more interested in. And like they often do, Zombies have infected this piece of work and shall be the topic of my research!
I have studied Zombie films before but in a limited way. In the past I looked at the social commentary within George A Romero's Zombie trilogy (Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead). This time I intend to cover a lot of ground from the development of zombie movies, to unique approaches, to the way different forms of media use zombies. I am much more excited about this work and will be reading lots of material soon!

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