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Friday, 20 July 2012

In Time (2011 Andrew Niccol)

"I don't have time. I don't have time to worry about how it happened. It is what it is. We're genetically engineered to stop aging at 25. The trouble is, we live only one more year, unless we can get more time. Time is now the currency. We earn it and spend it. The rich can live forever. And the rest of us? I just want to wake up with more time on my hand than hours in the day."
This is a really interesting one.... Justine Timberlake in something I have never heard of before made me pretty wary but I watched it anyway, lets say it surprised me. The concept is simple you only have so much time, and you get paid in time. The interest comes when you consider the "time zones" different areas of prestige where you must pay to travel into the more exclusive higher tier areas. Then the film immediatly becomes about class, slums, riches and robbery. The political undertones are pretty obvious and make for a nice film. The film doesn't make the mistake of explaining how the 'time life' thing happened, this would have been a mistake because there is no way it could have happened which would not have been stupid. My problem with the film was that there was a little too many half storylines in it, Timberlakes father, the policeman (Cillian Murphy), the romantic subplot. They were all a little too heavy and they combined to make a bit of a mess, not enough to ruin the film though, I did still enjoy it. Timberlakes performance was not too bad and I may turn my nose us less at him in the future. Not a bad flick at all

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