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Saturday, 28 July 2012

The Kids Are All Right (2010 Lisa Cholodenko)

"Why did you donate your sperm?" "Because it seemed more fun than donating blood."
I had some idea in my mind that I needed to watch this... after researching the director and writer I have no idea why it was in my head, but whilst on a Mark Ruffalo high I thought I would give it a go anyway. I think this films biggest credibility is that it is extremely well written and completely believable. The characters are deep people who hide emotions, make mistakes and have layer upon layer of troubles that get peeled back as their relationships alter upon the introduction of the children's sperm donor. An interesting catalyst in itself even the outsider (Ruffalo) who comes in to disrupt the peaceful equilibrium is a multi layered character with his own intricacies. These strong flawed characters are what create the realism of the film and draw the audience into an emotional connection with the film. As far as the visuals are concerned, they are fairly mediocre, nothing jumps out but a single slomotion shot at a point of realisation. This intricate multiple character study also sheds light on lesbian relationships in a seemingly truthful and fair way, it shows a lesbian couple dealing with normal problems. In that its themes and ideology are strong and positive, all other ideologies are split between characters, its difficult t say that the film strongly supports or fights any other ideologies. I enjoyed it for its strong characters and think that it is worth a watch, especially for fellow writers struggling with characters.

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